Saturday, 7 July 2012

50 shades of grey - E L James

We say: *

I know. Everyone is reading it. Your mother, your neighbour, the nice lady from the knitting club.
Let me put it plainly: its terrible.

I explain.
This is a book for people who don't read. Its Mills and Boom with a snazzier cover and racier inside. Its actually worse than that, its a book that reinforces every stereotype of a breathless adolescent dream (a male one). And I don't mean this in a nice way.
It does nothing for women empowerment and if you enjoyed it and dream about having a Christian Grey in your life, you should hang your head in shame.
On top of it all, its poorly written. Repetitive lip biting and inner Goddess shaking made lose patience and ended up actually not caring about the characters.

I must confess not having finished the first book and not even bothering finding out what possibly could have happened in book two and three.
Hope they all become happy and fulfilled people – although I suspect things will go badly wrong in the red room, she finds someone who actually loves her for the person she is and he spends his life in therapy trying to deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. Just had to add this one:
